Breath and Awareness

Dear WildHeart members

Something From Neil...
A couple of weeks have passed since the Ecstatic Awakening Retreat, and I just wanted to share my thoughts on breath and awareness.

We all live busy and stressful lives which can put us into our head/mind space. This can easily allow us to become disconnected from ourselves, and ours minds can run the show. But there is one thing that we can do to unify our body and mind: that is to breath. 

The way you breathe is the way you live.

As we extend our breath and breathe into our tummies we regulate our brain pattern and calm it down. This helps us to stimulate a parasympathetic state (peaceful body and mind). 

When we constrict or stop our breath, we lose touch with what is happening in the present moment, with how magical, pleasurable and wonderful it is to be alive. Instead, we focus too much in our headspace and get stuck in the past and the future. Our minds race with thoughts: worrying, figuring out and planning. We lose the natural freedom, joy and expansiveness when we are relaxed in our breath and connected to our body awareness.

As we breath naturally a state of flow is created and just like the ocean, we connect to who we really are, we connect to the energy that exists within our bodies. That rises up our spine as we breathe.

As you breathe in feel how the entire spine lengthens along its curves. As you breathe out feel how the entire spine settles back down.

You can become aware of still vertebrae in the spines they often function as repositories for unfelt sensations and energies that may have an emotional tone or a semi-conscious storyline attached to them. By allowing movement to return back into these areas, these sensations and energies can be gradually released back into feeling awareness. These still places need first to be felt into exactly as they are. Then, as you begin to relax through these still places, the breath can start naturally stimulate the frozen vertebrae, and movement can start returning.

This practice or awareness can really connect to your growth and journey, it is also a great thing to do between adjustments. Connect to where your stuck so you can bring that awareness and intention to your next adjustment. Connecting you back to the intelligence of the universe that exists within you. 
Something From Jenna... 

Last week I shared my personal experience of the retreat in Spain, and this week I would like to share some of the content we were introduced to during one of the workshops.
In a nutshell, the following provide an outline for how to approach life...

1. Welcome Everything.
Embrace all that arises. All new events, coincidences, people, accidents, pitfalls, uprisings and opportunities.

2. Assume Nothing.
Question and then release, keep in direct contact with reality as the present unfolds in front of you without jumping to the past or the future.

3. Reveal Your Experience.
Let the experience be seen, touched, and heard.
Allow light to come into the shadows as you embrace it as you are in that moment.

4. Own Your Experience.
Take responsibility and own every aspect of your experience. What is happening for you, rather than to you.

5. Honour Self & Honour Others.
Everyone has walked their own unique path in life. We are all a teacher, and we are all a student.
Honour the journey of self and others.

These 5 pointers help us to be more present as our days unfold, to come into alignmnent with the 'now'.
To fully appreciate every unique moment - even if we remain in the same environment. 
At any given moment something can alter our perspective if we are open to welcoming everything.
Take time to actually see the people in front of you, to notice smells, to embrace colours.

Much love always to our Wildheart Tribe xx


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Upcoming Wildheart Chiropractic Talks:

Monday 6th August @ 2:15pm
Wednesday 8st August @ 6:15pm
Please call or email to reserve a seat.


Neil Finemore