Summer Soltice, energy shifts, creation
Dear Wildheart Members,
Something From Neil
I'm loving the energy at WildHeart at the moment, everybody seems to be heady with the joys of summer, and this week people seem to be trying to shed off old baggage, maybe because of the new Gemini moon or that the summer solstice will take place on Thursday, June 21, 2018
Sol + stice derives from a combination of Latin words meaning “sun” + “to stand still.”
The summer solstice is a time to celebrate the ending of the waxing year and the beginning of the waning year, in preparation for the harvest to come. Midsummer is when all may absorb the Sun’s warming rays and it is a celebration of fertility, not only for humans, but also for crops, animals and all beings.
I have noticed this week that people have been releasing old patterns or having big struggles with releasing something they need to. At this time every single line of energy we have in our bodies are being opened, expanded and utilized right now. So it can feel a little startling, disconcerting, even bring up anger or frustration. It can also make you feel euphoric, energized, and like your gifts are being magnified – because they are.
We are receiving yet another upgrade to our human and energy systems. In other words, our cellular structure is being prepared very quickly, in time for this new energy that Summer Solstice and a number of other celestial events are bringing in.
You know how this whole year so far has been an acceleration of your release of all that does not serve you? Well, right now, it’s as if we’re being squeezed and internally shifted to facilitate the massive release of what remains that needs to leave us.
If ever there was a time to let go and allow… that time is now. The more you resist it, or live in your head about it, the harder it will feel. The more you can allow this energetic/spiritual/physical upgrade, the easier and more amazing you will experience your transformation and success.
So all my blessing to you all for the coming week, and I'm super excited about the Solstice, I'm thinking of celebrating it up at Scorhill stone circle up on the moor if you want to join me.
Something From Jenna:
Wellness isn't something you do; it's how you live. It radiates through your home, your style, and the way you move in the world.
If we spent less time concerning ourselves with planning how to make our lives healthier, we could actually take the opportunities throughout the day to practice living within the wellness paradigm we wish to create.
Over planning for the future or over thinking about the past fires up your stress response, so simply taking the time to become present can instantly bring you into a more relaxed state, making it easier for you to make healthier choices and live the life you wish to live.
Brain off, heart on, connect to your breath, and radiate with the health you wish to live form the inside out.